Below you will find the facial rejuvenation procedures that Dr. Belz specializes in. You can click on each of the procedures for more information!
Ear surgery can be performed for a variety of reasons and may vary in complexity. An otoplasty, or ear pinning surgery, is used to reposition prominent or protruding ears. Earlobe repair surgery is performed to restore the appearance of earlobes that have been stretched or torn. Patients who have earlobes stretched by gauges, torn from pulled earrings, or elongated due to age, may benefit from an earlobe repair.

Upper eyelid surgery is performed both to improve the appearance of the eyes and address functional problems with your vision. Heavy-appearing eyes as a result of loose, sagging skin are rejuvenated with this procedure.
To learn more about any facial procedures please contact our office today at (210) 497-7100 to schedule an appointment.