Case 1
37 year old woman who underwent bilateral breast augmentation with Mentor Smooth Round Moderate Plus Profile 250cc saline implants filled to 275cc, placed in a subpectoral position, through inframammary incisions.
Click here to schedule your personalized consultation with Dr. Belz.
Case 2
27 year old woman who underwent bilateral breast augmentation with 425cc Mentor MemoryGel® Smooth Round Moderate Plus Profile silicone implants, placed in a subpectoral position, through inframammary incisions.
Click here to schedule your personalized consultation with Dr. Belz.
Case 3
42 year old woman who underwent bilateral breast augmentation with 400cc Mentor MemoryGel® Smooth Round Moderate Plus Profile silicone implants, placed in a subpectoral position, though inframammary incisions.
Click here to schedule your personalized consultation with Dr. Belz.
Case 4
46 year old woman who underwent bilateral removal of saline implants and replacement with 425cc Natrelle 68HP saline implants filled to 450cc, placed in a subpectoral position, through periareolar incisions.
Click here to schedule your personalized consultation with Dr. Belz.
Case 5
32 year old woman who underwent bilateral breast augmentation with Mentor Smooth Round Moderate Plus Profile 375cc saline implants filled to 400cc, placed in a partially subpectoral position, through inframammary incisions. Patient did not desire a simultaneous breast lift.
Click here to schedule your personalized consultation with Dr. Belz.