Tummy Tuck
33 year old woman who underwent tummy tuck and liposuction to the bilateral flanks and mons pubis.
Tummy Tuck33 year old woman who underwent tummy tuck and liposuction to the bilateral flanks and mons pubis.
Tummy Tuck43 year old woman who underwent tummy tuck and liposuction to the bilateral flanks.
Tummy Tuck41 year old woman who underwent tummy tuck and ventral hernia repair.
Tummy Tuck62 year old woman who underwent tummy tuck and liposuction to the bilateral flanks.
Tummy TuckThis patient underwent a neck lift with tightening of the platysma muscle.
Face and Neck Lift21 year old woman who underwent bilateral otoplasty.
Ear Surgery53 year old woman who underwent removal of 325cc Moderate Profile saline implants, replacement with Mentor 225cc Moderate Profile saline implants (Right filled to 225cc; Left filled to 250cc), and bilateral breast lift.
Breast Revision65 year old woman who underwent bilateral removal of capsules and implants, and replacement with 475cc Mentor MemoryGel® Smooth Round Moderate Plus Profile silicone implants, placed in a subglandular position, through inframammary incisions.
Breast Revision28 year old woman who underwent a bilateral breast reduction using the SPAIR technique.
Breast Reduction* All indicated fields must be completed.
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