Must Do Tips To Recover Faster From Your Breast Augmentation

breast augmentation If you’ve got a board-certified doctor like Dr. Belz at your side, you have already taken care of the most influential part of recovery for your breast augmentation: the person in charge of your procedure; however, as you begin to recover by yourself, or if you’re reading this before the procedure takes place and want to set yourself up for success, you may be wondering just what can you do to make recovery go by faster. After all, the typical six week recovery period must be able to come down in some cases. We’ve outlined some must do tips to ensure not just quick recovery, but proper recovery too, keep reading to learn what you can do! 

Lean On Friends Or Family 

While the breast augmentation procedure is not the most intensive surgery in the world, it still is a surgery, and a major one at that. All surgeries put the body through stress that needs time and rest to recover from. For the first few days after your breast augmentation procedure you can expect to feel tired and may experience discomfort and soreness not just at the site of the procedure but potentially the whole body. That is why it’s important to be able to already have in place someone that you can lean on, both figuratively and literally. It’s important to not undergo or try to engage in strenuous physical activity or operating heavy machinery, such as driving, while you’re still taking your pain medication. 


This one may seem obvious, but hydration is so vital it still must be said. Because of the risk dehydration poses in recovery and the success of the procedure, making sure to have access to water and to be consistently hydrated is a must! 

Rest. Really.

This one may also be obvious, but many people try to rush back to their lives and not allow their body to rest fully. Your body has undergone an invasive surgery and needs time and rest to fully recover. Spend time in bed so that you don’t have to make time going back at a later time. 

Need More Tips Specific To You? 

Dr. Belz knows each and every person she treats is unique as evidenced by her approach to all the people she sees. When it comes to your specific recovery, be sure to talk to her about any concerns you have so that the two of you can come up with a plan that best fits you! Give us a call to set up a consultation at 210-497-7100!


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