Enjoy Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation with Cosmetic Injectables

cosmetic injectables San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX area patients who are unhappy with the aging changes to their facial appearance are often worried that they may need plastic surgery to get the results they desire. However, a more youthful appearance is just a phone call away! With the help of Dr. Jessica Belz, patients can address fine lines, wrinkles, folds, facial volume loss, and even a double chin without ever having a scalpel touch their skin. This is thanks to a wide range of cosmetic injectables that can be used to achieve the same results without invasive treatments.


What are cosmetic injectables?


Cosmetic injectables are best described as treatments that can address imperfections of the facial area. Many patients after the age of thirty will begin to notice the development of fine lines and wrinkles. They may also see changes in skin laxity and the volume around their cheeks. With specially chosen injectables, patients can combat these signs of aging and once again feel confident in their appearance.


What cosmetic injectables are available at the practice of Dr. Jessica Belz?


Patients can achieve a non-surgical face lift by using some of the following injectables available in her practice:


  • Botox – Botox is a neuromodulator that is injected into specific muscles of the face to reduce and even eliminate the appearance of dynamic wrinkles that may develop on the upper third of the facial area.
  • Juvederm – Juvederm is a dermal filler that adds volumes directly to fine lines and wrinkles to smooth them out and achieve a more youthful appearance immediately.
  • Kybella – patients who have a double chin can combat submental fullness (excess fat cells) with injections of Kybella.


Ready to discuss your options with our team?


Dr. Jessica Belz and her staff of aesthetic professionals are here to help patients address the many concerns they may have with their aging skin. With the use of cosmetic injectables, patients can transform their appearance in a natural manner without plastic surgery. The practice is located at 207 W Sunset Rd, San Antonio, TX 78209, and can be reached by phone for an appointment at (210)497-7100. Call today to book your consultation appointment and initial evaluation with our staff to find out how you can turn back the hands of time!


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