Breast Reduction Surgery Offers Relief From Back Pain

woman in silver bra against a white background
woman in silver bra against a white background

Women with large, pendulous breasts may find themselves dealing with back pain on a daily basis. While there are many reasons for upper back, shoulder, and neck pain, it is common for women with larger breasts to experience these specific problems due to the size of the breasts and the weight of the breast tissues. When this becomes an issue and essentially impacts a woman’s daily life, it might be time to consider the advantages of breast reduction surgery.

How Do I Know if I Am a Good Candidate for Breast Reduction?

Many women with the following issues may find that breast reduction surgery improves their overall health and well-being:

  • Inability to find clothing and bras that fit their body properly
  • Experiencing regular neck, shoulder, and back pain due to heavy breasts
  • Undergoing physical limitations due to the size of their breasts
  • Experiencing emotional distress from having overly large breasts
  • Getting unwanted attention due to the size of the breasts

Breast reduction surgery can help reduce the pain and discomfort associated with large, heavy breasts by removing excess fat, tissue, and skin to create a more balanced body contour. The procedure is also beneficial for improving posture, reducing strain on the upper body, and restoring self-confidence.

Ultimately, it is up to you to determine if breast reduction surgery is right for you and your lifestyle needs. Discuss any concerns or questions with Dr. Jessica Belz prior to undergoing any type of surgical procedure. With careful consideration and professional advice, you can make an informed decision about how best to manage your back pain and decide if this procedure can help.

Does Insurance Cover Breast Reduction?

In some instances, especially if you are significantly inhibited in participating in regular activities or are dealing with daily pain, health insurance plans may provide some coverage for the procedure as it may be seen as a medical need. It is best to consult with our front office team and bring your insurance information to your consultation appointment to find out if your plan provides coverage for this treatment.

Schedule an Appointment Today!

Call Dr. Jessica Belz to learn more about body procedures such as breast reduction surgery. The office is located in San Antonio, TX and can be reached by calling 210-497-7100.


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