Body contouring after significant weight loss

With Surgical Lines on her Body Before Beauty Operation. Dr. Jessica Belz of San Antonio, TX is a plastic surgeon who provides surgical treatments for the body. While breast augmentation and tummy tucks are the most commonly requested aesthetic procedures in her practice, she also offers a wide range of body contouring treatments for men and women. When patients have achieved significant weight loss, they may deal with excess, sagging skin remaining throughout the body. With body contouring procedures, patients can tighten these areas and finally show off their results with confidence!

What is body contouring after significant weight loss?

With body contouring procedures with Dr. Jessica Belz, patients can address the excess, loose skin that results from dramatic weight changes. Diet and exercise help in achieving a healthier weight, but doesn’t work for deflated skin. With a plastic surgeon, men and women can eliminate skin that may result from these bodily changes and tighten and tone the body. This includes skin removal from the:

  • Stomach
  • Arms
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs

Also known as a body lift, the removal of excess skin can improve the appearance of the body and the patient’s confidence.

What should I consider when thinking about excess skin removal?

Patients who work hard to achieve proper body weight should be proud of the results they achieve. Unfortunately, sagging skin leaves many men and women self-conscious or embarrassed about the skin left behind after all their hard work! Patients should fully understand what can realistically be achieved with body contouring treatments after significant weight loss, and comprehend the risks that come with treatment. Patients who continue to lose weight will notice the redevelopment of skin pockets, and if weight is regained afterwards, the results may be lost. Patients will want to have their weight stabilized over time and have realistic expectations.

Are you ready to tighten and tone your body after weight loss?

If you have recently achieved significant weight loss and are dealing with the aftereffects such as excess sagging skin, it is time to connect with Dr. Jessica Belz and her team in San Antonio, TX to discuss the benefits of body contouring services. Her practice is located at 207 West Sunset Road and accepts new and returning patients who call for an appointment at (210)497-7100.


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